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What are the modules the DiviGear CPT plugin has, and why?

< 1 min read

Currently, we are offering three different modules inside this plugin. Those modules work with the same data, which are post types, but serve different purposes. Here are the three modules and their usage or purpose.

  1. Divi CPT Grid module: This is a module that can create layouts like grid and masonry using data from your blog post or any custom post types like portfolios.
  2. Divi CPT Carousel moduleThis one can create a beautiful carousel on your website using the same post types.
  3. Divi Filterable CPT moduleThis is the same as a CPT grid module with an additional feature if you would like to have filter navigation for your post types.

All those modules have the same child item or element. You will find details about elements in this article on child item overview.

If you would like to learn more about the details of each module. You can check module overview guides.

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